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Six Tips For A Productive School Study Zone

Whether they’re ready or not, kids and parents need to start transitioning from play all day mode to buckle down and study. Back to school sales are in full gear and now’s the time to get your school study area ship shape and ready for use. If in the past you’ve made due with a spot at the kitchen island or dining room table, perhaps you’re ready to create an area in your home conducive to quiet and concentration. Here are six tips to designing this perfect study-friendly spot.
Know Your Numbers. How many kids will be using this area? If more than one, be sure to have enough space between and for each child to spread out comfortably. This can mean sitting side by side, in an L-shape or even facing each other.
Talk to a Designer. Our creative pros will work directly with you (and your kids!) to custom design a perfect configuration for all your needs taking into account space for school supplies, books, privacy, computers, writing space and other personal needs.
Let There Be Light. One of the most crucial elements will be good lighting from overhead, built-in cabinet lighting and desk lamps. Ideally this area will have access to a window as well for natural light and fresh air.
Get Organized. When you customize your study area, plan for shelving and cabinets where you can have easy grab-and-go baskets and compartments for items your kids will use often like pens, pencils, glue sticks and scissors. Teach your kids to put everything back when they’re done to ensure a neat and tidy desk area.
Get Your Kids Involved. Let your little students have input into what they think will work best for them. Maybe they want extra storage or displays for special awards or projects they’ve completed. Letting them have a say in how their area will be designed will give them a sense of pride in the finished project.
Charge it. As you design your schoolwork zone, don’t forget to include lots of power outlets and USBs for devices, lamps, printers, computers, etc., and make sure you have ample charging cords, so everything is ready for them when the sit down to do their homework.
Family owned and operated since 1988, Cabinets Plus is an Orange County, California-based cabinet manufacturer that specializes in building beautiful and practical residential and commercial custom storage solutions. All manufacturing is done in Orange County by experts using modern and precise equipment. Visit or call 949-536-9340 for more information and a free design consultation.
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